My Digital Story

Just to make live easier…

Correct iCloud bookmarks sync between Mac and iOS devices

I upgraded from OS 4.3.1 to OS 5 right after it was released. I really enjoy all the features and this is the only iOS version where I can live without jailbreak it as, most of the feature I wanted from jailbreaked iphone is there in OS 5.

However, few days ago, I realized something was just not working as intended. I realized most of my new bookmarks that I added in my MacBook and Mac Mini Safari browser did not appear at all or appear incorrectly (not in the designated folder, mostly right under the Bookmark root folder). My search over the internet did not give much solutions.

I tried several trial and error, and the one following is the only proven to work best so far:

1. First, disable and choose delete all your iCloud Bookmarks from all your iOS devices (iphone, iPad).

2. Backup your MacBook/Mac Mini Safari bookmarks either by File>Export Bookmarks or just copy ~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist into your temporary location e.g. Desktop. ~ indicates your user directory. Access it by using Shift+Cmd+ G in Finder.

3. Now delete the original Bookmarks.plist from the Safari folder in Finder. Then restart your browser. Your browser should now recreate a new default Bookmark where you will be Google, Yahoo! and other default bookmarks.

4. In Safari, File> Import Bookmarks the backup copy of your original bookmarks. This action will create a new imported bookmark folder. You may view that folder containing all your bookmarks at Bookmarks>Show All Bookmarks.

5. Now, the crucial step, drag all your bookmarks from the imported bookmark folder into each folder (Bookmark Bar-for those bookmarks list appear horizontally below your Address bar, and Bookmarks Menu- for those bookmarks that stay within the Bookmarks drop-down menu.

6. You may now delete the old imported bookmark folder. Manually sync your iCloud to update the changes that you made. Try this several times.

7. You may now activate iCloud Bookmarks feature in iOS.

8. Open your iOS Safari browser, wait for moments until your bookmarks reappear according to the their respective folder location.


29/11/2011 Posted by | iPhone, Mac | , , , | Leave a comment

WDLXTV: NFS network folder doesn’t appear in WD TV Live screen

In my previous posting, I did mention that I so pissed off with Apple TV due to bad experience to jailbreak it. I then bought Western Digital TV Live. As expected, the media player is also “hacked,” to enhance its stock features/functionalities.

The hack (or modification would be a rather positive word) is accessible from Please read more from its wiki especially on this NFS mount HERE.

My setup is, I have all media downloaded to my Mac Mini Lion Server, which I enable the NFS. Please read further HERE info about enabling NFS on Mac Mini as the default setting is disable.

My NFS configuration work well from my testing when I mount from my MacBook Pro. As for WD TV Live, I followed all the instruction to add the “xmount” command into /conf/net.mount. But, the NFS folder just did not appear as Network Share when viewed from my LED TV. To make it more difficult, “show mount -e” command clearly indicated that the mount work.

My further research from internet made me realized my fault. I have to attach a USB disk drive (regardless of what size) in order for the whole thing to work. Once, you inserted the USB disk drive into any of the USB port on the WD TV, pleases power cycle (switch off, then on again). Now, you will see the NFS folder appears as a folder under the USB disk drive. Remember though that, it might take some time for the mount to complete (I believe it also depend on how much/big files inside your mounted NFS folder).

Hope, this may help.

13/10/2011 Posted by | WD TV Live | , , , | Leave a comment

Resolving error 1600 when jailbreaking Apple TV 4.3 using Seas0npass

Just would like to share for those encounter error 1600 when you are using Seas0npass to jailbreak Apple TV 2 4.3.

I always encountered error 1600 halfway throughout the jailbreak process. For your info I am using Mac OS. In fact, I am using 2 Mac OS Lion (MacBook Pro and Mac Mini) to jailbreak the Apple TV. I almost give-up already and actually bought Western Digital WD TV Live!

I tried to figure this out from Mr Google but the explanation available so far related to the cause for error 1600 e.g. it was due to micro usb cable issue, other usb devices connected to the computer just do not work for me. I easily can restore using iTunes to the standard, non-SP firmware even with my computer connected to other usb devices using the same exact cable.

However, last night, suddenly the jailbreak just work! And here I would like to share that experience.

The issue is as from my understanding is the failure of the Apple TV to maintain its DFU mode during the restore process by iTunes. The difference between successful jailbreak and has error 1600 half-way into the process is determined by when you actually release the MENU+PLAY buttons as told by the instruction from the official Seas0npass site.

From my several unsuccessful attempts, this is my observation. You must release holding MENU+PLAY buttons EXACTLY WHEN Seas0npass is showing “Uploading iBSS.k66ap.RELEASE.dfu to device”. Do not release holding those buttons BEFORE that (while Seas0npass is showing “Found device in DFU mode”) or AFTER THAT (while Seas0npass is showing “Restoring in iTunes”).

Take note though that, after each unsuccessful restoring process, you must first “clean” the Apple TV by first restoring to the original, non-pawned firmware. Well, the process may look tedious but promise you that the effort is worthy!

At this screen, connect your Apple TV using the micro USB cable to computer. Start pressing and holding the MENU+PLAY buttons. If still not entering into DFU, release for short while and press again.

Keep holding the buttons!!!

When the progress bar at this screen is more than 50% of its progress, then you must release holding the buttons

Now, just wait and relax to allow the iTunes to restore the new jailbroken firmware.

12/10/2011 Posted by | Apple, Apple TV | , , | Leave a comment

Permanently delete file in Mac OS X Finder

One of the most annoying part when using Apple Mac OS X is to permanently delete file in Finder ( the equivalent of Windows Explorer in Windows).

To delete file in Finder window, you need to press CMD+delete which will move the file to Trash bin. What actually happen from this action is, the file is just “hidden” from user in that particular folder/location. The file is yet permanently deleted. While the intention of this feature is well understood, which is to avoid us from mistakenly and unintentionally delete our files, sometimes it is just too annoying as after that we havw to go to Trash to actually empty the Trash. Furthermore, in Trash, you can not permanently delete individual file there. Once you press the “Empty” it will delete all the files in Trash.

For example, when you need to empty file in USB flash drive to physically free the disk spacw, if you just delete the files by moving them to Trash, your USB flash drive will still shows that it is still not yet EMPTY. Only after you empty the Trash, then only the USB flash drive will really be empty with full of free space.

Luckily someone has created an Applescript that will do just that, permanently delete your selected file in Finder. In addition to that you need an application called Spark that will assign keyboard key in order to execute the script. I assign Shift+delete keys to execute the script.

Both the Script and Spark application can be accessed below:

set frontAppPath to (path to frontmost application) as string

if the frontAppPath ends with “” then
tell application “Finder”
set selectionList to get selection as list
set selectedCount to count items in selectionList
–Added code1
display dialog “Do you really want to delete this item?” buttons {“OK”, “Cancel”} default button 2
if the button returned of the result is “Cancel” then
–End of added code1
if selectedCount > 0 then
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in the selectionList
set selectedItem to item i of the selectionList
set selectedName to the name of selectedItem
set homePath to (path to home folder) as string
set trashPath to homePath & “.Trash:”
set deletePath to trashPath & selectedName & “:”

if not ((kind of selectedItem as string) is equal to “Volume”) then
if (selectedItem as string) contains “.Trash” then
set posixPath to POSIX path of (selectedItem as string) as string
do shell script “rm -rf “” & posixPath & “””
deletePath as alias
display dialog “Error: file named “” & selectedName & “” already exists in the Trash.”
on error
tell application “Finder” to delete selectedItem
do shell script “rm -rf ~/.Trash/”” & selectedName & “””
end try
end try
end if
end if
end repeat
end if
–Added code2
end if
–End of added code2
end tell
end if

Download SPARK

23/02/2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | , | 1 Comment

EasyFind: Find file name on Mac OS

This will be the most embarrassing posting for Apple Mac OS X. Mac OS X claims it has a super advanced search tool called “Spotlight”. With all its wonderful search capability, it misses the most basic feature, to find file based on name. Spotlight will not be able to find file if you can not remember the whole exact word of the file name.

That’s why you have to download EasyFind that will supplement the missing feature of Spotlight (or cover the Mac OS embarrassment?). You can download from the developer website HERE.

15/02/2011 Posted by | Mac | , | Leave a comment